10-9 meter =0,000000001 meter = 1 nanometer
Light is a form of electromagnetic energy with an approximate wavelength of between 400 and 700 nanometers. It is thanks to light that we can convert objects into images, which forms the basis for one of the main ways humans have of learning about the world and interacting with it. If seeing is knowing, then light is one of the languages of knowledge.
The 10-9 project is a voyage into the microscopic world of everyday life, a search for another kind of beauty, invisible to the eye but no less real. Technique and the perceptive power of optical and photographic devices here act as an open window to another reality, a vision of “the beyond” that as it takes shape as images reveals the enormity of the small.
10-9 is an invitation to walk among biological samples, to dive into the depths of inorganic matter and to fly over the landscapes of vegetable tissues. Welcome to the nanoworld.
Roger Grasas, Barcelona 2016